Deferred debug logging

This is not RoR specific or log4j specific. This is just something that'd be really nice. And I'll implement it soon in RoR...

In production, you don't want tons of logging. If something goes wrong, you wish you had set the loglevel to debug, right? ;)

So the idea is this:
The loglevel is set to info.
Someone makes a request.
The logger logs everything as if it was on debug-level, but all in memory.
If the request outcome was without an error, only log the info/warn/error messages.
But if something DID go wrong, we can now output the whole debug log.

The downside of all this is that it eats a few kb per simultanious request, and all the stringconversions has to be done. IMO it's worth it..

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Ok.. I got this book RoR for Java Developers from my friend. While browsing through the book, I noticed capistrano, and I really want to play with that; it looks like deployment heaven :D

I installed redmine, which I like, and looked at the source of both redmine and rforum. redmine is more ruby'ish, but pretty obscure sometimes. rforum is probably the way I'll start out making my apps. Java like if constructs and loops. Yeah I know, I suck

Well.. that's it for now, later...

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RoR Deployment

So.. I've been reading about RoR and deployment here and there. Basically it all comes down to running a mongrel for each cpu.

But what if you run 40 rails apps on a single box? will that result in 160 mongrels on a quad-core? And 40*50mb = 2GB of ram?

Isn't it possible to run multiple rails applications on a single mongrel?

Also, I'd like to know if there is some sort of tool that will manage mongrels accross all my servers, and deploy application to servers (and maybe do all that on EC2?) depending on the load / availability.

So far RoR is nice to me. But I haven't deployed it yet on a production environment. I'll be installing redmine on one of our servers. just to see how that will behave.

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Hilversumse heide

Last weekend I went to the Hilversume Heide with Sanne, my gf. It didn't show up on my Garmin GPS, and I couldn't find it on google maps, but here's the spot we sat:

Link on google maps, the middle bump is where we spent most of the time

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