Philips CD4401S/22 Review

Today my new cordless phone for my home arrived. I ordered a Philips CD4401S/22 at internetwarenhuis. The reason I chose this phone is because the handsfree was supposed to be very good. My previous phone was another philips phone, but it occasionally resets for some reason since a few months. Overal it's a descent phone, although there are some things that could be better. Here are my impressions after half an hour:

  • The phone is not white! On all images it is white, but in reality it's gray
  • It has more topweight than bottom weight. My preference is the other way around
  • The blue screen is too bright, can't be adjusted. Without bluelight, it's too dark too read. Also, the display is slow. (LCD)
  • The buttons are a tad too hard to press, but overall they're ok.
  • My previous phone used the green dial button to toggle handsfree. I think that's better
  • If you're in a call, and put the phone in it's cradle, it hangs up! It is possible to dial a number when it's in the cradle and then pick it up.
  • Handsfreemode has a volume treshold, which is annoying
  • Sound quality is very clear. The handsfreemode is excellent
  • The phonesize is perfect. You can hold it in your neck perfectly.
Overall I'm content with the phone, especially because I got it for only 40 euro, and 8 euro shipping. I wish Pilips would do some more usability tests for their "sense and simplicity" slogan. I'd be happy to receive some free products in exchange for feedback.

So what things are important for you when choosing a home/office phone?

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Awesome video about the web2.0 bubble

Just found this video via It's about the web 2.0 bubble duh. Anyay. I love it :) Especially after our Silicon Valley Adventure..

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