SMTP RFC: X-Notify & X-Notify-TTL ?

Does anybody know if there is an SMTP header that allows me to specify that a message is a notification-message, and one to set the expiration date / TTL?

A lot of emails I receive are notification messages (build failed, password reset etc). For these emails, it would be nice if the mailclient can see that they are notifications. The client could, for example, forward the mesasage to my IM. Or show a popup with the body. Also, it'd be easier to cleanup the email.

I suck at writing :P

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My new favorite ruby IDE: RubyMine

I've been working with RubyMine since a couple of weeks now, and I have to say that I don't use NetBeans anymore. RubyMine is faster, leaner and does it's job a lot better. If you want more reasons, just ask :) Nobody reads this anyhow lol

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Safari 4: Google clonium?

Both Google chrome(chromium) and safari use webkit, but why on earth did apple make an almost 1 on 1 copy of chrome?

Can't say I don't like it :D

Maybe they should work on making the inspect element thing more like firebug.

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