SMTP RFC: X-Notify & X-Notify-TTL ?

Does anybody know if there is an SMTP header that allows me to specify that a message is a notification-message, and one to set the expiration date / TTL?

A lot of emails I receive are notification messages (build failed, password reset etc). For these emails, it would be nice if the mailclient can see that they are notifications. The client could, for example, forward the mesasage to my IM. Or show a popup with the body. Also, it'd be easier to cleanup the email.

I suck at writing :P

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3 reacties:

Anonymous said...

Dear Author !
Amusing question

Anonymous said...

I want to quote your post in my blog. It can?
And you et an account on Twitter?

Joris said...

Hi Anonymous,
That's ok.

I'll me moving to tumbr though.. leave me an email at jbverschoor.
