Firefox 3 beta 1: slow resizing, and no google toolbar

Well, today I installed Firefox3 . First impressions: it seems faster, but we'll see if the memory leaks / hanging threads / 100% cpu bugs are fixed :)... I don't think they are, because they'd have fixed them in FF2 by now then. One thing I really am missing is the Google Toolbar. I got used to it. I like the gmail / rss notifiers, quickfind and the US-search button. My default google search is Dutch, but sometimes I just check if I can find the things I'm looking for with the US-engine.

I get the folowing error:
Google Toolbar for Firefox 3.0.20070525W could not be installed because it is not compatible with Firefox 3.0b1

2 weeks ago I tried FF3 too, and somewhere I saw that firefox was reporting version 0.0.0, but I can't remember where I saw that :(

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